Front page is now fixed

Had some time today to work on the layout of the front page. I’ve added a slider that when you click on any of the images in the slider you will see all of my images in that category.

I’ve also moved around some of the front page widgets so that they would make more sense as far as important content being at the top. This took a lot longer than I had anticipated but it’s now complete.

Introducing Image Sets

I have been working over the last few days creating Image Sets. I have seven sets available for purchase with three more sets that I need to put on the site.

One huge advantage to image sets is that they give buyers more bang for their buck and significant savings over downloading them one by one. These image sets are also covered under the License Agreement.

The image sets are placed into a zip archive so you will need an unzipping program to open the file. The files will always have the .zip extension.

Don’t need the whole set? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. All images in the sets are also available as single image downloads.

If you have any questions about image sets or anything else related to the site, don’t hesitate to us the Contact Form and I will get back to you as soon as I can.